
It is very important for all students to attend school every day. Regular attendance is critical to school success and even a minimal number of absences during the school year can have a serious impact on a student’s ability to achieve. Attendance is one of the requirements for promotion to the next grade.

You may request homework when a student is absent by contacting the main office before 10:00 AM so that the teacher has time to prepare the work. You may also request that the teacher put aside work for your child to make up for their return to school after an illness so that the teacher can keep the child current with their schoolwork.

Please check the school website often so that you can plan your family vacations and appointments during school breaks. Taking your child out of school is strongly discouraged; and is academically and socially disruptive to your child’s learning.

If your child is absent from school the procedures are as follows:

  • When your child returns to school after an absence they are required to bring a note stating the reason for the absence.
  • If you know that your child will be out of school for an extended period please contact the school to inform them of when your child is expected to return and the reason for the absence.
  • If a child is absent, he/she may not participate in afterschool or evening activities on that day.
  • If your child’s records indicate a pattern of excessive lateness or absence, you will be contacted by the attendance team to discuss our concerns.


As part of the Chancellor’s Regulation A-210, we are required to know why a child is absent from school. Therefore, parents are required to submit a note from their parent(s)/guardian or doctor to your child’s teacher stating the reason for the absence from school. The teacher forwards the note to the Main Office where it is kept on file. All absences must be explained in writing.

According to the NYC DOE attendance policy, all parents are responsible for ensuring their child attends school regularly and on time. Frequent absence and/or lateness have negative effects on your child’s ability to learn. More information can be found at the following website,

School Year 2023-2024
% Rate Attend Days Absent Approximation of Instruction Missed
95% 9 ½ Month
90% 18 1 Month
85% 27 1 ½ Month
80% 37 2 Months
75% 46 2 ½ Months
70% 55 3 Months
65% 64 3 ½ Months
60% 73 4 Months