The school nurse can be reached at 718-232-3873 extension 4. Please contact the nurse with any questions/concerns you may have.

  • Inform the nurse of any health issues such as asthma, allergies, cardiac, orthopedic, etc.
  • Any injury that requires a cast, sling, crutches, wheelchair, etc. will require a clearance note from the doctor and should indicate restrictions.
  • Students requiring medications at school must first have the appropriate forms completed by a physician then the parent/guardian must meet with the school nurse to review.
  • 504 forms: The New York City Department of Education, the New York City Department of Health, and Mental Hygiene’s Office of School Health work collaboratively to make certain that all students with special needs are provided services to ensure their full participation in the educational setting. Parents and providers must submit a form to request direct health services and/or accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. These forms must be returned to the Guidance Counselor Nicole McConnell for processing. A new request and authorization form will be required for each school year if the child continues to require the requested services in school. If your child becomes ill or an emergency occurs during school hours, the parent/guardian will be contacted. Again, it is extremely important that the parent/guardians keep current information on emergency blue cards up to date, and that alternate emergency numbers are provided if the school is unable to contact you.



Should your child become ill during the school day, the school nurse will contact you and ask that you pick up your child as soon as possible. In case we are unable to reach a parent/guardian or caregiver, we will contact the numbers on the emergency blue card as a backup.

If a serious emergency occurs at school, we first contact the parent/guardian. If the school is unable to reach any of the above-mentioned people, everything will be done with the best interest of the child in mind. If the child needs immediate medical attention, the child will be taken by ambulance to the hospital. In the meantime, all attempts will be made to continue contacting all the names on the emergency blue card.


School Safety

A vital component of emergency readiness within the Department of Education is the School Safety Plan (SSP). As part of the Safety Plan, all schools implement safety drills throughout the school year in an Evacuation, Shelter-In, or a Lockdown. These actions are based on the use of common language to initiate the measures all school communities will take in a variety of incidents. Families are also encouraged to register with Notify NYC to receive information about emergency events, and call 311 for additional information about a school during an emergency.